Saturday, September 26, 2009

final destination

since i am a big boy and u r a big girl now . i believe that we can solve our problems by ourselves.
u r the who knock me down and im the one got to make it stop.
this would be the end of story ..
end of us...

hope disappear blog disappear.

u r the one who make me to blog
and u r also the one make me stop.

it's a final big . between us

blog closed!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

home sweet home

it's amazed that she still remember me.
anyway i'm gonna wish happy belated birthday to d'siang , zying and vincy.
it's a study week but i still back form nilai .
guys guess how long we took from nilai to penang?
holy shit, we departed at 12.30 but arrived at 7.45.
the traffic jam was so so serious ,lots of accidents.
celebrated raya sounds happy but when one of your family members met with an accident's totally a nightmare..btw selamat hari raya i wish to all Malays.

there's will be always more comfort to sleep on own bed .
there's no others in my house except my akak.
a little lonely that's why i talk on phone with angleline until 3++.
she is just so funny and concern bout others.

hang out with yi sian to sunway, just to eat pizza!!!
After that went to zying bday party, with dudes ts. there's no me on all the photo=.=
after that drove honda shadow to tomyam . but there's sum rain drop few seconds after my food's gonna rain(da bao and run) cause im the only one went by bike.
At that midnight a little memorable about us or should i say she and I.

nothing much to share about, just back from stranger's wedding dinner with wei kit (just represent my dad to attend). gossip about girls...
seriously that it's better be a batch or remaining the relation with your friends neither evolute further compare with in a relationship(for me).
whatever i found and ideal girl but she is not belongs to me.

Got to hunt for new one but it's not that easy cause there's all pretty girl when you see from the back view but in fact ......
i'm just simple like others i hope my ideal girl just got to a little more intelligent than others enough , everyone should be knowledgeable about the world around. she should be compassionate are bare kindness for everyone around her. she must not be hot-headed and also be milling to forgive mistakes. lastly , she must be able to express her her true feelings to me and not keep secrets between us so i will know that our love is true.
just for your information,i am officially single right now.